Hi, I'm Loren.

full-stack dev 🥞

I'm a software engineer from SoCal. When I'm not coding, I enjoy recipe crafting, fishing, climbing, or napping with my cat, Miso.

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After graduating (UC Berkeley `18, BS Bioengineering), I completed a summer research fellowship at the Biomimetic Millisystems Lab and then worked at UCSF as a research associate. During my time within academia, I've always used and enjoyed programming. In developing software for research and personal projects, I delved into app development and decided to pursue it as a career.

Here are some technologies under my tool belt:
//JavaScript (ES6)-React-Redux-Node


senior software engineer
apr 2020 - present

At NimbleRx, I work as a full-stack engineer to build software solutions, which help patients receive their medications quickly and conveniently.


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react - react-vis - heroku
The app consumes data from the Fantasy Premier League's unofficial API, and is bootstrapped from Create React App and uses Uber's react-vis charting library.


django - postgresql - jquery
This Django web app was created to streamline the data collection and organization for a research pipeline called High Isomorphism Throughput Screening (HITS).


django - postgresql - material-css
This blog is all about cooking with an open mind and empty stomach. It's my take on the Chinese dishes I grew up eating (and really never knowing how to make).